Address: 104 Waltham Park Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica


Music has been an important element of worship and war from the days of the Old Testament.  At Faith Cathedral Deliverance Centre (FCDC), music:

  • Is used to set the spiritual atmosphere for worship and for hearing from God. In 2 Kings 4 we see whereby before Elisha advised the Kings of Israel, Judah and Edom about going to war with the Moabites, he called for a musician. This was done to set the atmosphere.  
  • Is a form of rejoicing, testifying and declaring God’s grace
  • Aides in the memorization of truth, especially for children

With the aforementioned in mind, the Music Ministry of FCDC aims to:

  • Stand at the forefront of the battle.  We pray that our worship will be of such that the deaf will hear, the blind will see, the lame will walk, the dumb talk and demons flee.
  • Worship to impact in a way that encourages unbelievers to attend FCDC and ultimately to accept God.
  • Observe no limit as to who we can reach because the world is our stage.
  • Write and record our own songs 
  • Train and develop singers and musicians who will rise to the pinnacle of competence to the point where we are sought after to minister around the country and around the world

Accordingly, our vision statement is, “No limit no boundary!”

The team which is leading the musical is comprised of:

Table 1: Members of the Music Ministry Board

Mrs. Cheryl Sylvester-James Director of Music

Provides strategic,   transformational, servant leadership and vocal development

Mrs. Gloria Allen                   Disciplinary Team (head)
Mr. Lee Allen                         Link with Men’s Fellowship and related Choir and Band
Mrs. Nordea Bryan-Jackson Social Welfare and Events (head)
Mr. Darien Callum                 Vocal Development
Ms. Alice Campbell               Visitation and other welfare matters retreats, music room
Mrs. Janet Chin-See               Spiritual Development
Ms. Audrey Dobney                Public Relations and special projects (eg fund raising)
Mr Paul Broderick                  Facilitates Development for and guides instrumentalists
Ms. Nadine Pryce                   Administration/Secretarial

The teams which fall under the Music Ministry are:

  1. The Praise and Worship – Captained by Mrs. Janet Chin-See (assisted by Mrs Nordea Bryan- Jackson);
  2. New Believers’ Chorale – A transitional choir comprised of our new converts.  The programme aims to ensure that they continue to bond after graduation, while they try to identify their desired areas of Ministry.  This group is led by Miss Alice Campbell
  3. Angelic Voices of Deliverance – Comprised of our little gems 10 years old and under.  Being led by Miss Nadine Pryce (assisted by Miss Jacqueline Parris).
  4. Junior Voices of Deliverance – Our teenagers between 11 and 17 years –  Being led by Miss Audrey Dobney (assisted by Miss Christina Broderick)
  5. The New Generation Voices of Deliverance (NGVOD)– Comprises of young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 years old – led by Mr.s Cheryl Sylvester-James (assisted by Bro. Darien Callum);
  6. Voices of Deliverance (VOD) – Adults 36 years and over led by Mrs. Gloria Allen (assisted by Miss Audrey Dobney)
  7. Mass Voices – Merger of the VOD and NGVOD – led by Mrs Gloria Allen assisted by all directors
  8. Musicians – We have a Junior and Senior team of musicians.

The Ministry also aids in the preparation of Ministry groups including the Male and Female Choirs which are extensions of the Men of Valour and Women of Worship Ministries.

It is a wonderful thing when our Ministry is not seen/viewed as a performance to highlight the talent of the musician or singer but as a message about the glory of our God.  Our mission is therefore to ensure that our music, lyrics, musicians (including singers) give all the praise and glory to our omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent God, so that those who hear are made ready to receive the Word that will be preached.   


Development Seminar for choirs
hosted by: Mr. Mathew Silpot & Mr. Hugh Douse
Contact / Location

Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am

Events / Calendar