Address: 104 Waltham Park Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica


The Greeters Ministry’s main priority is to greet and welcome guests, visitors and members attending and gathering for worship. We extend love and kindness with a welcoming smile.

We endeavor to ensure that we provide the best quality service that is pleasing and fitting for the atmosphere. Within this Ministry, we strive to always welcome our members and guests either with a firm handshake or an open posture and a smile. This may not always be enough, but certainly it is a start in encouraging them to come back.

Once we recognize that a guest is a first time visitor, we are encouraged to ask their names and to use their names in the possible event of a conversation, and at this time we will then introduce ourselves. First time visitors are introduced to an usher who will then seat them in the specially reserved area, and at an appropriate time during church service, they are presented with a welcome package.

Contact / Location

Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am

Events / Calendar