Children, a nation’s legacy, must be preserved, protected and provided for because they are special as stated in Psalm 127:3. ‘Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.’
The Child’s Advocate Ministry as it is now called, has been in existence for over a decade. It was established by our visionary leader Bishop Herro Blair to facilitate the various needs of children in and around the church’s community, by ensuring a caring and safe environment conducive to a holistic development.
This ministry, is possibly one of its kinds in our Jamaican church communities. It was initially led by Deacon Noel Dawkins who migrated and is currently under the leadership of Sis. Sheryl Campbline- Farquharson. The original mandate has not been aborted but instead, it has been magnified to accommodate other activities deemed necessary for the enablement and fulfilment of the children’s future. All intended activities will be carried out in accordance with the church’s mandate and validation, in pursuit of the Child’s Advocate Ministry’s, vision and mission statements.
Goal– To have this ministry replicated across denominations in order to provide the necessary guidance and protection for the nation’s children according to the laws of the land.
Purpose– To work with the church and external organizations to provide third party interventions, delve deep into problems that children are facing and make referrals where necessary.
Vision Statement – To make Faith Cathedral Deliverance Centre and its Child’s Advocate Ministry, the Flagship Church in promoting awareness of the needs and rights of children among religious groups and denominations in and around the church’s community; and collectively advocate safe environments across the nation, to advance the wellbeing and potentials of children in the building of a strong nation.
Mission statement– To utilize the skills, tools and available resources internally and externally of the church through partnerships, to holistically enrich the lives of children in particular the vulnerable, to fulfill the mandate of the church.
In a bid to realize the vision, the team of Mrs. Sheryl Campbline- Farquharson, Leader; Ms. Angeleta Gray, Assistant Leader; Mrs. Princess Brown Dunlop and Ms. Leonie Sullivan, will endeavor to among other things:-
▪ Create an active level of awareness relating to children’s rights and protection as well as, to ensure programmes to support child care, protection and development are in place;
▪ Serve as a point reference for children who may be potentially exposed or exposed to all levels of abuse / neglect;
▪ Work with families and state agencies to ensure children are developing holistically;
▪ Collaborate with internal and external agencies tko provide counselling etcetera.
Over the years, several children and or, their parents/guardians have benefitted from the services available to them in this ministry by way of counselling or otherwise. Since the paradigm shift to “MOVE” in September 2018, new partnerships have been forged for example, with the Early Childhood Commission. In so far, the church has benefitted from resources towards the establishment of a parenting place here at the Centre where parents will be able to interact with their child/children. However, further details will be given at a later date as things progress.
Consequently, with God as our guide, collectively we can achieve great things. We humbly ask especially of the adults, for the demonstration of your responsibility, continued cooperation and understanding towards the children as we strive to improve their lives for a better future, bearing in mind, that the least we do unto one of them, we have done it as unto Christ.
God bless you.
Sheryl Campbline – Farquharson
Child Advocate Ministry