Address: 104 Waltham Park Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica


Dr. Alma Blair

Brief info

Dr. Alma is a Pastor at Faith Cathedral Deliverance Centre, 104 Waltham Park road.

Dr. Alma Blair also known as Norma was born in the Garden Parish of St. Ann. She is the last child of Sylvester and Hortence Lindsay.  She is a no nonsense person, a woman of distinction, a visionary, and a supporter in Kingdom building. She surrendered her life to the Lord at an early age and has been using every opportunity to promulgate the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ. 
She attended the Bethel Bible College, where she earned a Diploma in Theology. She later attended the International College of the Cayman Islands and earned a BSc in Business Studies. Her quest for knowledge gave her the impetus to study and thus earned a Doctorate in Christian Education at the International Bible Institute and Seminary, Plymouth, Florida.

Dr. Blair was the New Testament Church of God’s first missionary from Jamaica and founded the work in the Island of Antigua and pastored it for nearly two years. She later got married to the then Evangelist Herro Blair and together as missionaries founded the New Testament Church of God in George Town, Grand Cayman. 

She is the co-founder of the Deliverance Evangelistic Association Inc. and is presently the treasurer and administrator of the international office. She is the pastor of the headquarters church, a Justice of the Peace, a marriage counsellor specializing in pre and post Marital counselling, a   teacher, preacher, and past principal of the Deliverance Bible Institute. She is the author of three volumes in the series, “Grow In Grace.”                  

Dr. Blair has conducted conferences in several Caribbean Islands, Canada and the United States of America.   While working at the former Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation she  produced programs such as: “Moments To Remember” Teen Views”  and “Reflect With Me” and later helped to bring to the fore LOVE FM  and while there, produced “Youth Views”.  
On October 17, 2016, Dr. Blair was appointed to the Order of Distinction by the Government of Jamaica.

Dr. Blair has being married for 50 years and has four (4) biological sons, nine (9) grandchildren, one great grand and a host of spiritual sons and daughters. 

Contact / Location

Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am

Events / Calendar