Welcome to Faith Cathedral Deliverance Centre!
A church in the heart of the city with the city in its heart!
We are a Church on the M.O.V.E!—
M – MINISTRY: Meeting the needs of the body of Christ
O – OUTREACH: Meeting the needs of the community
V – VERBAL PROCLAMATION: Intentionally sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ
E – EQUIPPING: Teaching Biblical truths and life skills to make the believer more effective in daily living.
We are a Church on the M.O.V.E with 36 ministries covering all ages ministering to the spiritual, physical, and social needs of its members.
Don’t be left behind—Get involved!
Become an active member of one of the Ministries.
Win at least one soul per month for Christ through Outreach
Become a witness of the Gospel of Christ through Verbal Proclamation
And be Equipped by engaging in biblical studies and life skills
We are a Church of the M.O.V.E—Ministry—Outreach—Verbal Proclamation—Equipping
The church on the move has 36 ministries catering for the spiritual, physical and social needs of its members.
Get involved! Don’t get left behind
Become an active member of one of the Ministries
Win at least one soul for Christ per month in your particular way of outreach.
Service Times
Sunday School: 8:00 am
Sunday (Divine Service): 9:00 am
Wednesday: 6:00 pm